You can tell way more about a person than you realize just by looking at their nails.  I’m going to show how to evaluate a person, OR YOURSELF, or your family members by looking at their nails.  I am warning you right now – This below is the last good looking nail you will see. The fingernails after this one have issues.  Continue at your own peril.

This is what a healthy nail looks like

     Why, what nice fingernails you have.   Grandma never had nails like that!

Americans spend 8 Billion dollars a year on nails and nail care products.

Why? Because we wish our nails looked better! That a lot of nails!

You examine someone’s nails from the top to bottom.  From the end to the base of the nailbed.  It tells a story in time.

Does that make sense? Iit tells you a lot about the condition of their body over the past couple months.  That’s how long the nails take to grow all the way out.  The nails do not lie. If you start spend some time looking at people’s nails you start to understand more about their overall health.  This gives you a idea of things that might need to be addressed.

Hand, Foot, Mouth viral infection

          This virus can make the nails fall off.  Watch those kids in daycare!


You can see the overall health just by looking at the nails.  Any good alternative healthcare doctor will definitely look at the condition of the nails.

Nails with lines like these are a sign of a problem!


Are nails really just hard skin?

Our nails are technically a simple extension of the skin.  They are a highly modified version of it.  The nail, like the skin, is made up of a bunch of layers on top of each other.  The average fingernail is 25 layers deep.  These layers are fused together to form a hard yet bendable nail. It is made of protein and it is strong.


Nails and Keratin

Keratin is what holds the nail together.  Keratin is strong yet flexible.  It is the substance in deer antlers,  horns,  and horse hooves.  Keratin is also the protective layer that makes up the outer sheath covering our hair.

        See the multiple layers of Keratin?


Nails and Nutrient Deficiencies

Nails also function as a rich depository of vitamins and minerals too.  It’s a pretty big nutritional investment to make these protective things. Nails are hard, too! It obviously is a big nutritional investment to make and maintain them.

Times of illness will show up in the record of the nail.  Fighting an illness takes a lot of our nutrients to heal.  The body will divert nutrients from the nail to the immune system when the body is under stress.  Nails really aren’t that important if you’re fighting an illness.  The immune system will divert the body’s resources during these times and the deficiencies will show up in the nail.

Because of this it the nail bed is a record of what has happened during the prior months when the nail was made.  It’s like looking back in time. The nails reveal a lot of important information.  The nails don’t lie.

Did you know?  It’s really called the “Nail Organ”.

Nails contain Carbon, Iron, Magnesium, Selenium, Sulphur, Calcium, Potassium, Phosphorus, and even Oxygen.  Humans thrive on oxygen.  The nail is technically called the “Nail Organ”.  It acts to trap water and assure hydration.  The nails help us to regulate our oversall body temperature.  We have 20 individual nail beds between our hands and feet. The nails are protection for our fingers and the nerve endings underneath them.  Think how many more broken thumbs there would be in the world if the “shield” of a thumbnail wasn’t there to absorb the blow of a hammer?

Nails grow quickly.  Healthy fingernails will grow about 4mm a month.  The nails don’t lie and they tell with accuracy what was going on during the time they were being formed.   They are windows into the biochemistry.

Does this look healthy?

.     Negative.   These nails belong to an unhealthy person.

Nail disorders are about 10% of all dermatologist appointments.

Nail conditions and visible mineral deficiencies


The nails contain a lot of minerals.  The bones doo too. Soft flaky nails that are constantly splitting may be missing minerals.  Selenium, Magnesium, and Zinc are the likely culprits.

Lunula Half-Moons

    Iodine deficiency and low thyroid

No Moons vs. Good Moons tell about Iodine levels.

Ground Glass Appearance

“Terry Nails” white nails with an opaque “ground glass” appearance look that sometimes have brown to pink bands. Chronic Alcoholism.  Chronic Liver Disease.  Look at your drinking friends nails.

Alcoholism.  Chronic Liver Disease.

      Notice the “Ground Glass” spots

Clubbing of Fingers.  Liver Damage.  Low Oxygen.

     Something is definitely not right here

These nails show blue and red lines.  They also show clubbing of the nails.  Clubbing is another sign of liver damage.  It is common in alcoholism, heart, and lung diseases.

Spoon Shaped Nails – Koilonychia

Spoonman?  No wait, it’s Spoon Nails

Spoon shaped nails can show beginning stages of Koilonychia – classic for iron deficiency and anemia.

Low Iron

    Signs of Koilonychia

     Classic signs of Iron Deficiency

Normal nails soft pink color.  Indicates healthy blood flow underneath it.  Pale or white nails- low red blood cell count, anemia, maybe kidney disease.

Nails that are bright red – Heart Disease

Nails white and grainy with even blue tint – liver cirrhosis, hyperthyroidism, diabetes, even HIV


These bluish nails are from a child born with HIV.

Abnormal Circulation

These Horizontal white lines, usually in middle three fingers are caused by abnormal circulation in the nail bed.  Because this happens under the nail this will not progress up as the nail grows.


“Muehrcke’s Nails” – liver disease and chemotherapy.  This is caused by something that is hitting the liver really, really hard.

Other white lines

    Hidgkin’s Disease fingernails


     Can you see that something is just not right here?  Psoriasis

Kidney failure and systemic infection can show up in the nails.  Also  poisoning with mercury, lead, arsenic, thallium, or other heavy metals will cause changes in the nail structure.

Nails and Overall Health

Nails are an insight into overall nutritional status.  Nails grow quickly.  You can notice the early stages of  nutritional deficiencies here if you know what to look for.  Deficiencies will show up in the nails before it will show up in the organs.  People can be deficient in something for decades before obvious symptoms begin to surface.

         Look for the subtle signs of deficiency in the nails!

Signs of vitamin and mineral deficiencies

Magnesium deficiency will cause the nails to be soft.  There is no need for hard nails if you are deficient is minerals.  Nails are not really  that essential  in the big picture.  .  Nails are a source of iron.  Deficiencies will cause them to bend the wrong way.  They become concave rather than convex.  If our nails are changing shape this seems like a big deal.

Iron Deficiency

    Whatever it is just stop it. Make it stop.

Horizontal and Vertical Ridges

Nail is a good source of protein. If we don’t digest our protein properly because we have low stomach acid then it can lead to thin and fragile nails.  They probably chip and have angles in them.  People likely chew on them a lot because they are breaking.

  Protein deficiency in nails can cause ridges.

Protein deficiency can be an indicator of low production of stomach acid.  Without enough stomach acid the protein does not get properly digested.  This leads to “Leaky Gut Syndrome” and malnutrition.  It also contributes to Autoimmunity.

Horizontal and Vertical ridges can be a deficiency of Vitamin A and Vitamin C also.

The nails are a good indicator of Omega-3 saturation by the body.  Omega-3 is an essential fatty acid that is desperately needed by our body.  Our bodies cannot make Essetial Fatty Acids.  We only get Essential Fatty Acids from our diet.  Anytime something says essential it means that our bodies don’t make it and we absolutely require it.


absolutely necessary; extremely important.


        Before and after Omega 3  Fish Oil

We’re joking.  But, omega 3 deficiency will show up in the hair, nails, and skin tone.

Essential Fatty Acids must come from our Diet

Our whole supply of  essential fatty acids must be consumed because humans cannot manufacture them.

Digestion and unhealthy nails

Healthy nails depends on proper absorption of foods.  Many people (especially chronically stressed out people) have low stomach acid. People take antacids to make their stomach less acidic..   If we have low stomach acid then one side effect is we don’t absorb our foods right.
I bet you didn’t know that we can eat food and not even absorb it! You thought your digestion was just supposed to work properly.
            We can’t make proper nails if we can’t absorb food!
Even though we consume the vitamins and minerals sometimes we can’t even digest them.  Our body will put digestion before everything else.  Proper digestion is the first step in healing.   It will sacrifice the health other areas (like our nails)  to keep our digestion working efficiently.

If the digestive system  isn’t happy then nothing is happy.

          Oh, wow.  I’m sorry.  I did warn you.

Did you know?  Nails facts

Nail biting affects one in three children.  They have now classified it as a Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

Nails grow faster in the summer than the winter.  They grow faster after you recover from an illness.  They grow fastest on your dominant hand.  The middle fingernail grows the fastest and the thumb grows the slowest.

Guinness Book of World Records: 28 ft nails.  California woman named Lee Redmond.  Started growing them in 1979.  She lost them in an automobile accident in 2009.


How health do you think these nails really are?