Neck Rehab Program

Corner Stretches

         Pectoralis Major                    Pectoralis Minor

                    Elbows to side                                         Elbows above head       



 Upper Trapezius     Levator Scapulae     Scalene Stretch


1. Tilt head left.

2. Tilt head left.  Look down and to left.

3. Tilt head left.  Look up and to right while keeping head tilted left.

Chin Tucks



Seated Neck Rotations

Tilt head down.  Rotate neck to the left and right.



Neck Diagonals


Shoulder Shrugs


I, T, W, L – Trapezius

I – Upper Trapezius



T – Middle Trapezius


W – Lower Trapezius


L – Teres Minor