10 Best Stretches to Keep You From Going To The Chiropractor!
If only it were that easy. It’s really not. Most of the time you just need to go to the chiropractor. However, I am here to help you with some neck and back stretches in your time of need.
Here’s the information you came for …
Really who does this stuff?
Please do these stretches. Do them for the both of us. If you do these stretches at home it helps me too.
Both of us want you to be feeling better.
Realistically, you might not do any of these. I already know it. I’m okay with that. I’m posting a bunch of stretches and hardly anyone is going to do them. But … you will have been exposed to them.
Maybe you will do them. Prove me wrong or prove me right. Only a few of you superstars might actually put this information to good use.
I think many people might imagine themselves doing the stretches. But…they won’t actually do them. I want you to think about how much better your back will feel if you did these easy stretches every day. Think of the relief you would feel if you made these few simple and easy stretches a part of your life? Think about that.
If you need help with these then please call us. Make an appointment and and we’ll take you through the process. We’ll give you some supervision, take you through a program of care, and then you can safely and correctly do it at home. Do these stretches consistently. Do them every day.
Just do it. Do something.
We will start our treatment on the lower back and the muscles in the legs.
Here are 5 stretches. You need a chair.
You will not break a sweat. I promise.
Low back pain stretches
We are going to be stretching these two muscles. You know which ones. The big ones in the middle.
Gluteus Maximus Stretch
Muscles of the Rear End
Sit in your chair, cross your leg, and pull one knee up towards your other shoulder. Hold 20 sec. Always stretch both sides.
Here’s a different variation
Gluteus Medius Stretch
For the next one push it down. As before- hold 20 seconds. Stretch both sides
Quadriceps Stretch. Iliopsoas Stretch
Now it’s time for the big muscle on the front of the leg. This is a Quad stretch.
So easy to do from a chair.
Hamstrings Stretch
Now for the back of the leg. This is a Hamstrings stretch.
Easy to do from a chair
Calf Stretch
Onto the calf stretches
Once you have done all of these you have strethched all the big muscles in the legs. These stretches will help back pain, knee pain, Achilles tendonitis, ITB Syndrome (Iliotibial Band), TFL Syndrome (Tensor Fascia Lata) (runners know about these), Plantar Fasciitis and just about any other pain. Start doing these them and see how you feel!
ITB – IlioTibial Band Pain Syndrome.
TFL – Tensor Fascia Lata Pain Syndrome
Plantar Fasciitis Pain Syndrome
Next we are going to move to 5 stretches for the upper body. Here are 5 good ones to help you stay tall.
5 Stretches for the Upper Body
Corner stretch. AKA The Doorway stretch.
Here are 2 variations in the same stretch for the chest and shoulders
A. Elbows low. B. Elbows straight out. C. Elbows up. See it?
Anterior Scalene Muscle
This muscle gets tight when we sit a lot. And when our posture is bad.
Anterior Scalene Muscles
Here is an easy chest stretch. Hold 20 sec.
Latissimus Muscle Stretches.
These require a doorway or something similar to hold onto. A refrigerator works if you’re in the kitchen.
Here’s another variation
Try this variation! Seriously try it. Who woulda thought?
Golfer’s and Tennis Elbow
Here are 2 forearm stretches.
Stretch the forearm like this for Golfer’s Elbow.
Make sure to stretch both sides of the forearm.
There are some simple stretches that you can do at home.
One last thing I recommend for everybody is this little device here.
This is the Back Stretcher.
It only works if you use it.
Best gadget made. Best bang for your buck out there. Like I said you’re probably not going to use it anyways (did you even read this far) but here it is.
It makes it even better if you can put your hands behind your head.
5 minutes of back stretching a day does the body good.